Welcome to Cruise Whangārei!
Welcome to the beautiful Whangārei harbour, and more specifically to our port at Marsden Point.
We are the newest addition to the New Zealand cruise itinerary. Once you’ve experienced what Whangārei and the wider area have to offer by way of attractions and experiences we have no doubt that you’ll be as enthused as we are about the place we call home.
Whangārei Attractions:
For more information please visit:
The Hundertwasser Art Centre and Wairau Māori Art Gallery, a unique arts and cultural facility, presides over Whangārei’s Town Basin marina precinct. It was imagined specifically for Whangārei by the renowned Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, and has been built on the site chosen by Hundertwasser himself. It is a wakahuia, a treasure box, of exemplary artworks from renowned contemporary Māori artists and original Hundertwasser artworks provided from the collection in Vienna. The centre is an iconic landmark on a grand scale and the last authentic Hundertwasser building in the world.
Other attractions that can be found in the immediate vicinity include riverside boardwalks, restaurants, a clock museum, boutique shops and cafes, and the vibrant city centre.
Visit the town’s sub-tropical Quarry Gardens and Canopy Bridge market or venture slightly further to enjoy olive groves, a boutique chocolatier and lunch at a winery.
Marvel over the evolutionary enigma that is New Zealand’s national icon at the Kiwi North kiwi sanctuary, or visit one of several museums and parks to learn about the giant of this region’s forests, the magnificent Kauri Tree.
Nature Spectacular:
Whangārei Harbour is flanked by dramatic volcanic peaks Te Whara and Manaia, reached by paths through lush forest that emerge to reveal magnificent views over the bays below.
Easy walks meander around tree-shaded headlands, into secluded coves lined with pristine beaches lapped at by the teal waters of the South Pacific.
Inside and outside the harbour entrance are the long and white sandy beaches of Bream Bay with the coastal communities of One Tree Point, Whangarei Heads, Ruakaka, Waipu, Langs Beach and Mangawhai along its length. The spectacular island group Marotere and Taranga (the Hen and Chickens Islands), all reserves, stand off handsomely to the east.
History and Māori culture:
Nowhere is the visitor engaged more completely, or more entertainingly, with Māori culture than in Northland.
Visit a marae (meeting place), Māori village or other cultural attraction and hear the history and legends of this proud people woven into a rich, mesmerising and unaffected tapestry of story, song and dance. Experience for yourself such Māori culture and traditions as the ritual welcome, and tribal arts and crafts.
Operational Information
Cruise Guest Important Information
If your tour company is not returning you directly back to the port, please ensure you catch your cruise shuttle from the Town Basin in time to get back to the ship. Areas will be clearly marked and ambassadors will be on location to help.
If you are meeting with family or friends, please arrange to catch a shuttle into Whangarei Town Basin and meet them there.
If you are joining or leaving the ship here, please refer to the details sent to you by your ship company or travel agent.
Cruise Lines at Northport
Northport is New Zealand’s newest, multi-purpose port at Marsden Bay, located at the entrance to Whangārei Harbour and approximately 35kms by road from the Whangārei Town Basin
We are proud to be able to provide a safe and secure terminal for cruise ships, allowing visitors to experience everything that Bream Bay, Whangārei and the immediate surrounds can offer. Our schedule for cruise visits into Whangārei can be viewed at Cruise Schedule
Our port is designed to accommodate vessels of various size and trade requirements. We operate DUKC and have a ship simulator. The port is 24/7 operational. Our Harbour Control operates a Local Port Service (LPS) and Whangarei Harbour Radio on Ch 16 and11.
The site is a Customs Controlled Area, Biosecurity Controlled Area, and meets ISPS / Maritime Security requirements. A Maritime Security Plan provision is in place for Cruise vessels. We are approved as a Place of First Arrival.
Please note that the port is a no-walk zone and shuttle buses are required to transport passengers/crew that are not on booked excursions.
Port Guide for Cruise Ship Masters and Ships Agents
All relevant information relating to the operating criteria for cruise ships can be found online here: Cruise Ship Operating Criteria
Port Access
All individuals requiring port access in order to service cruise ships docked here (including destination management teams, ships’ agents, tourism operators, drivers, government agents, providores, contractors, etc) must complete our online induction prior before arriving at Northport.
Information for local tour operators
If you have an attraction or excursion in Bream Bay or Whangarei that you would like to offer to cruise guests, please approach the three destination management operators, Abercrombie & Kent, ID New Zealand, PPG Events, through the following contacts:
Abercrombie & Kent - contact Ben
ID New Zealand - contact Ro
PPG Events – contact Tony
Please note that, at this time, guests cannot be picked up directly off the berth by independent operators, and they are unable to walk off the port to a public place. They will need to be collected from Whangarei City or you will need to make arrangement with the destination management operator for the vessel.
If you have a concept that you would like to explore and develop into a tourism attraction, please make contact with our regional tourism promotion body Northland Inc.
Cruise Sustainability and Environmental Information
While cruise ships comprise far less than 1 percent of the global maritime community, cruise lines are at the forefront in developing responsible environmental practices and innovative technologies that lead in environmental stewardship.