Kia ora, Te Mana - welcome home!
It's a warm, Northport welcome this chilly and blustery winter's evening to HMNZS Te Mana and her crew.
Te Mana called at Northport as POFA (Port of First Arrival) to undertake Customs and MPI clearances. She has arrived back in NZ after completing a major refit in Canada.
She will depart later this evening and will have a full ceremonial welcome at HMNZS Philomel tomorrow in Devonport.
HMNZS Te Mana and her sister-ship HMNZS Te Kaha are the main combat-capable ships of the Royal New Zealand navy and play a vital role in protecting New Zealand, her exports, maritime resources and those of her allies. She is the navy’s second Anzac-class frigate and is capable of prolonged, independent and sustained operations.
Anzac-class frigates can combat simultaneous threats from the air, surface and sub-surface. This makes these ships a vital component in maintaining regional security.